Brainbench VS.NET certification
From: []
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 1:45 AM
To: recruiter
Subject: SkillsBench Assessment Results, Gorelik, .NET (C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET)
Date: 2004-04-25 22:05:38(US EST)
Profile Name: .NET (C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET) (PRF6354)
Test taker: Dennis Gorelik
Module 1: C#
Score: 3.93 (Scale of 1 - 5 where 5.0 = Best)
Higher than 92% of all previous test takers.
Demonstrates a clear understanding of many advanced concepts
within this topic. Appears capable of mentoring others on most
projects in this area.
Module 2: Visual Basic.NET
Score: 4.06 (Scale of 1 - 5 where 5.0 = Best)
Higher than 97% of all previous test takers.
Demonstrates a clear understanding of many advanced concepts
within this topic. Appears capable of mentoring others on most
projects in this area.
Module 3: ASP.NET
Score: 3.93 (Scale of 1 - 5 where 5.0 = Best)
Higher than 92% of all previous test takers.
Demonstrates a clear understanding of many advanced concepts
within this topic. Appears capable of mentoring others on most
projects in this area.
Weighted Average Score: 3.97
Total Test Time: 216 minutes, 39 seconds
Avg. time per question: 270 seconds